One of the things I like on Facebook is that it starts your morning with memories of posts you made on this date in previous years. This morning I found this little gem that I posted a year ago today. It was the preamble to a post from New Way Today, a Christian site that posts inspirational thoughts supported by scripture:
There are people who have instant defensiveness to messages of hope and love from or about Jesus Christ. If you feel this way, my challenge to you is to avoid guessing about the motives of those sending the messages , including me, and consider in faith what these messages mean.
Jesus wants those of us who believe to share the good news with those who don't believe or don't know. If we don't present it perfectly or if you disregard it because we are not perfect, you miss the point and more important, you miss an opportunity for eternal salvation. Kind of important!
We're conditioned to question the legitimacy of any deal that sounds 'too good to be true.' We're also conditioned to mistrust the purveyors of such offers.
The difference is, I already have secured my salvation by accepting Christ's love as ultimately expressed on the Cross and every minute since. I have nothing to gain or lose by sharing my faith in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
So not to be rude, but I don't really care if or how you judge me. I do care about the fact that someone could turn their back on God and His unconditional and boundless love simply because you heard about it from an im
So I'm reading it, and I'm thinking I really like it, and I get to the end and...nothing. I apparently got distracted and didn't finish the post or my thought process. I know what my point was - that I am imperfect, and that it would be a shame for someone to reject the Good News of Jesus Christ simply because I shared it and I'm not perfect.
I'd like to think I was trying to be clever, demonstrating my flaw to underline my fundamental imperfection, but still leave the inference clear. But as Sollozzo tells Michael over veal in the Godfather, 'You overestimate me, kid. I'm not that clever.'
If I were to edit this post or finish it, I might soften the last paragraph. In fact, while I am okay with however you choose to judge me, I do care, very much, that you hear the Good News, and that it helps to lead you to a life and a faith in Christ. I pray that my imperfection, or my ham-handed explanations don't deter you from looking into faith in Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth and the life. Don't reject Him, or the extravagant, unconditional love and blessings He wants to share with you.